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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Welcome to the first ever blogpost of Skai...!


Welcome here, if you are new. Yall' probably are, because this blog is new as well!I am a passionate animal jammer (sounds funny, I know...) and I enjoy making videos and soon, blogging! 
Today we are talking about...den betas! Highly contradicted topic, right? It is highly contradicted what is beta and what is not. Beta items were released in the beta stages. Despite the fact that many people claim several items to be beta, they usually are not if they are still for sale in stores (besides necklaces - they have always been around)🐱🐈
:meow!: random cat XD😮😮
anyway, for example, palm trees are beta, and so are carrot chairs and couches. It is easy to confuse beta items - and many people fool others 😶😰😶 (makes shocked face) and attempt to trade their 'betas' for many good items worth betas. Sadly, it is very true. 
Once you learn how many of your supposed 'betas' are actually REAL den betas, you will be shocked. 
Yeah. Not many of your betas are probably REAL den betas. Anything NOT released in the beta stages is not actually beta. It is simply pretty rare and probably released after the beta stages, but still not truly beta. Do not fear though, many of your items could be truly beta, and even if not truly beta, probably still truly rare. However there is one shocking point. 
There is now a trading party, in a barn, and you know how most parties sell specific items? This party sells supposed 'betas' and the items they sell truly look like many real and high worth betas, but are not true betas! They sell the bongo drums, the fireplace, the fountain, just about any high worth beta you could think of. Gumball machine is even sold there. It is hard to tell which items are truly the originals and which are the ones being sold - they are so similar! It is best to ask for betas now that are NOT fireplaces or the other betas that are sold there. Before you decide to ask for den betas for your spikes or anything like that, be sure to check out the beta trading party. It truly is awesome, but this should also prevent you from accepting the betas that are sold there in the party. There are real betas out there of the same sort of the ones sold in the party, but to avoid being scammed, don't accept anything that looks like what has been sold in the party just to be safe, right? 
Well, that's a wrap to today's lesson on...den betas! I hope you guys found this useful, and hopefully prevents you from getting scammed in high rarity trades!
Happy jamming, and be awesome!
Peace! 🍑(reader: you mean...peach...right? me: yup!)😁😃😄😙😎
~ Skaishadow

Contact information: 
Please do not contact the email provided (the author email), and instead, contact [ XxSkaiShadowsAJ@gmail.com ] and specifically title your email as [ to SkaiShadow, blog/AnimalJam question/comment/suggestion ] depending on the topic of your email! Thanks for your cooperation, and see yall' next time! 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you guys found this helpful! I tried to make it very relevant to what Jammers are facing now due to scamming - make the knowledge spread fasters than the scammers can trick! Sounds stupid maybe to you but it works! Better safe than sorry, ALWAYS!!
    Peace! :P
